lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2008

Vasco nuñes de balboa

Vasco Nuñez de Balboa

This adventure started at 1475 where this explorer was born. He was born in Spain with a very poor family, he was uneducated and he was famous because of being the first European to see the Pacific Ocean from its eastern shore after crossing the Isthmus of Panama overland in 1513.

Years passed and in 1511 the king of Spain gave the charge to Balboa of being the interim governor, then at 1512 Vasco Nuñez de Balboa married the daughter of Careta the Indian Chief of those times. Afterwards at 1513 they ascended Balboa to the place of supreme commander of the colony and then decided to sail with hundreds of Spaniards and Indians across the Gulf of Uraba to the Darien Peninsula. Then Balboa and his party overland through dense rainforest in west direction. Later on, he arrived to Darien Panama and climbed a peak alone, saw the Pacific Ocean and declared himself the first European to see the Pacific Ocean.

In 1514 Vasco Nuñez de Balboa had been accused with treason against Spain and a new governor Pedrarias Davila occupied his posed.Then he was forgiven and married with Pedrarias`s daughter he then continued his explorations leaving Pedrarias to plot against him. In 1519 he was titled of Adelantado of the South Sea, governor of Panama but he was then arrested again for treason .Finally,Vasco Nuñez de Valvoa was found guilty and this great man was publicity beheaded in Darien in January,1519.